time passed slowlier than yesterday. for the unknown reason.
anw, the yesterday post said that im gonna post about the place that i really loved to visit in my life-after-lunch time.
that's not so wide space, but warm and cozy :)
After lunch, i used to be so much sleepy, and im afraid i will fell asleept in my desk, so i came here every day. that is my favorite space since 1 and half months ago :p
OK. i actually wanted to share abt a personal stuffs that errrr .. not so personal tho. i cant named this thing, because as the title of the blog is random, this is a random thoughts. Believe you me, it's so random.
here's the early brief. Have you ever unlike or even hate something so much, but in the future life those become your favorite, or your had-to-do-list, your paid job, or even your career and i-cant-live-without-it thing ?
in my case, YES it happens. and it's not only once. it happens twice, and three times, and four times, and so on.
not that much, well, let me count then. it happened for like 5 times. :)
quite lots.
2005 was years of emo, i guess. since there are lots of men and boys dress the way emo does. Do you remember guys from My Chemical Romance band? if yes, you must have remember their hair and the style. If im not mistaken, they're style is more or less emo style, the same as their music. and i do DISLIKE it. i often made fun and joking abt it with my friend. You know what i dislike about it ? first its the hairstyle, spesifically the bang on their hair. then, their skinny tshirt and jeans. I mean how come men could wear something skinny and has bangs? the point is, me unlikey emo and the style also. sorry. no offense, people :)
then, at 2006, i met a man. in a bus that i took daily to go to campus. it's just a zipzap meeting. we gave no phone number. the reason why? he had emo hair. complete with the bang and the skinny jeans and shirt. he's cute, but the hair and his style is so NONONO to me. So, he's no for me.
1 year after, we met again in the same bus. He transformed from an emo-hairstyle to oh-so-irresistible guy, with the new superb hairstyle, that i have to say Hi at that time. The guy with the EMO hairstyle and superskinny stuff, now became my funnyMAN. :) see? how the unlikey can become your cant-live-without-it thing.
and the rest was, im just gonna share it shortly, afraid ur gonna be bored by this topic. these are those :
* i hate microsoft excel. it's a boring program. and now, i deal with it every single day of my work life.
* me no close enough or even love kids. but then, i had A YEAR spent teaching in preschool, and dealing with kids every single day. and .. me myself cant believe that .. I LOVE THAT JOB and also the KIDS.
* i had problem when i did my final task for graduation thru college degree. before that, i promised myself never gonna use quantitative method for my final task, because i simply hate it and yet it contains numbers and countings. :( 1 year after, I USED THAT METHOD. for GOD SAKE. and i COUNT all the things that i HATE, all by myself. *sigh
Gosh,how life can simply turnover and flap our life.
so from now on, i remind myself to beware of what i hate and dislike. Just in case, im turning into someone who HAS to do it or even loves it very much.
well, that was it.
dont bother yerself to read it, if ur bored enough with this kinda stuff.
because..it's random, i know.
until later.
#anw, my friend, Sasmita, absent for examination today.
let's wish her lots of bestluck, shall we?

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