the picture we've seen above is the crowd on Baygon's event.
Yes.now you know, where im working :)
this event happenned on Saturday. no offense, i love to work on holiday.
what i like about had a visit, is thats expand my view about this job.
(tho, in the end, i got a really terrible worst headache. none like that before)
well, but i was happy in the end.
many things to be shared, (in case im not extended here :p )
and well, our corporation paid us the charge for the transportation, and honestly,
i've never did this or reached this before ..

that happenned because, limitation (that we made our own) on the taxi voucher's
well, thats not quite extravagant, but its quite a big thing, to spend such amount on transportation. :p
the route's that cost on the voucher is from : Lebak bulus-Kebon Jeruk-Klender.
Someone said its FAR, and i felt like .. really? off course, IT IS SO FAR FAR FAR AWAY! :O
but, i felt good on it.:) as long as i didnt have to take the amount of bucks from my own wallet.
well, let me share the complete whole day details in this page:
we (me and the marketing staff), went for visit. first, i wasnt quite sure whether it's A visit or VISITS, but i kept going. Because as we all know, id really like to travel along Jakarta, as my knowledge about it is like a finger dirt, (so small and little), so i was so yes about it.
and then, after the event that we saw the picture above, we went for a store visit,
the route was : Sudirman-Ps.Minggu-Mt.Haryono-Semanggi-Lb,Bulus.
was it far? yes.u guys decide :)
basically, i loved travelling and seeing stores, so its fun, (except the headache was disaster).
but without headache, the trip will be great, i guess.
Make sure to myself, wont forget to bring my magic panadol extra everywhere.
so. okay, this is Monday. see what i can do with my workinglife now :)
ill post if i had something spicy :)
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