the after weekend effect
... one thing for sure, my boss is absent! :(
and this is weekend hangover. i didnt drunk, but its just the after weekend effect :(
its like laziness that wont go, then the sleepiness ahead (torturing my eyes), and the miss-u-so-much-still feeling, that wont heal. :(
ohyes, im gonna post something abt the surprised weekend that i made for my funny man, but it just didnt work, because he just cant stay calm, and always asked me lots of question which leads to the surprises :(
so he suddenly like, found it out, and asked me straight. Right then and there, i know, i am not a good surprise maker and he's not a good surprise receiver :(
3 days in bandung seems so short or i can say, it's like a super-glance holiday.
well, i know, time flies when you're having fun, and in my case, its so right and true :)
i arrived at more or less 9.30-ish on May 7, and as the surprise failed, my funnyMAN went pick me up, and as we rode the motorcycle, he took something from his bag and he gave me this ..
this is so sweet! :)
i love this.
then, the day after the arrival, i cant hide my presence in bandung, so my friends, like figured it out and soon after that texted me,and asked me to meet.
yes off course, i cant refuse (it's simply irresistible! LOL ),so i said yes.
its in the afternoon, goes evening, and we met at a place called Sushi-den.
It's located at (sort of) Dago :)
the place is nice and the food is good and affordable :)
what else you could crave for more?
it was raining,not hard but quite annoying, made the atmosphere even colder yet mellow ;p
then .. after the gossiping and sipping up lots of laughter and sarcasm cynically phrase, we decided heading somewhere else.
So me and funnyMAN, went together for a ride with my friend and her couple to BIP, located at Dago,still.
But in the mid of the ride, the tire is collapse and deflated :(
my friend was so panic, because it was quite worse.
but thankfully, we found this oh-so-lovely-and-helpful-place-thank-God-we-found-this,
so we ended up for a while there :p
and while we're waiting for the tire to be fixed, i captured these ..
and also this one ..
and a picture that almost purrrr-fecccttt because its simply mentioned where we are, but someone from somewhere stood up, get captured, totally showing natural force within the situation.:p ..
and the last silly picture, captured by my funnyMAN, where i played tukang tambal ban lagi isi angin :) ..
after that headed to BIP, for a ketawaketiwi ngehehehe for half hour and i headed home :)
happiness that left still until this monday morning :)
so, the day after that was a waving good-bye day. And what makes me sad, is i left you, my funnyMAN. for a hope chasing here, in Jakarta.
so i think to myself, this is how long distance works.
where time plays evil and limit is something that you have to deal with.
..but soon, i dont know when, im gonna see your funny fake smile again :)
endlessly missing you.

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